Kings Mill School

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Careers - Post 19

At Kings Mill we strive to prepare our students for a fulfilling adult life following the four pathways in the SEND code of practice.  These are education and employment, independent livingfriends, relationships and community involvement and good health. We link careers-based skills from Early Years all the way to the Sixth Form.

At younger ages this could include turn taking, sorting/ordering, counting and communication skills.  Later on this includes functional skills in Maths, English and ICT, college visits and employability skills, such as writing a CV. These are just a few examples of how we support our children and young people to develop the skills they need for an adult life which is strong in all four pillars of the preparing for adulthood framework.

Our personalised curriculum also includes independence skills for all pupils.  This could be toilet training, dressing and undressing, feeding themselves through to preparing a meal and managing their finances.  Learning for Life is central to our curriculum.

From Year 8 upwards we focus lessons on different areas of employment, experiencing workplaces and all students engage in a programme of work-related learning.  This includes running a coffee shop in school and in the community, creating craft and upcycled items for sale at our Christmas and Summer Fayres and cooking lunch for staff. These opportunities provide the link between work, contribution to the community and financial reward for students.  As students approach the end of their time with us in the sixth form we have more focused sessions around preparing for adulthood and visit local post 19 provisions as appropriate to the individual learner. 

We hold an information day in the summer term for all parents / carers and students to meet a range of agencies, providers and colleges, including supported pathways into work. The day provides an opportunity to ask questions and explore what is on offer post 19 and beyond. 

For pupils in year 11 and year 14  an independent careers review is arranged for students. this can be arranged for students in years 12 and 13, if requested.

Our process for transition begins at least a year before students leave us. Following their careers interview they will be supported to explore options and apply for their chosen destination, where appropriate.  Staff support transition visits and liaise with future destinations to make the transition as smooth and successful as possible.

We offer work experience for all year 14 students, where appropriate this will be external to school. We aim for all year 14 students to complete one day a week of work experience for at least a term.  

Annual reviews at transition points (year 11 and year 14) are held in the Autumn term

Futures plus offer to attend all reviews for students held after their 17th birthday and work closely with class teachers to ensure successful transition from Kings Mill. Previous students have gone on to study Level 1 and Entry level vocational courses at local FE colleges, moved into the world of work via supported internships and worklink and been supported at a range of local day care provisions. 

We are a member of the Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and are supported by their careers hub.

Students are entered for NCFE entry level qualifications in functional skills if they are working at that level. This allows their achievements to be recognised in a nationally accredited way.  It also enables some students to go on to their chosen destinations.

Transition Lead – Louise Milne 

Work Experience Co-ordinator – Rachel Harrison

Please contact us on 01377 253375

Sixth Form Leavers Destinations July 2024 

Identified Provision

Number of students

Family care with social care package


Matthews Enterprise


East Riding College – Bridlington

Skills for Working Life


East Riding College – Beverley  

Skills for Working Life


Bishop Burton


click here to see previous years leaver destinations

Provider Access Legislation (PAL) 2023

In accordance with the updated Provider Access Legislation the school will provide at least six encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for students that it is deemed appropriate.

  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend



As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning, training and employment pathways on offer to them, we welcome requests from providers and employers wishing to speak with our students. You are welcome to come and visit us at the Kings Mill Sixth form centre.

If you would like further information please contact our careers lead Louise Milne: 


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A free, independent and impartial website which supports and inspires young people in Hull and the East Riding to succeed on their education and training journey.


A good place to start exploring post 19 options is the East Riding Local offer, Adulthood section (see link)

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