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  1. News
  2. Headteacher News
  3. Christmas Thanks

Christmas Thanks

19 December 2019 (by charlottedowson)

Once again we have reached the end of a very busy term. If you are regular followers of the various class blogs you will have read about our Residential trips to Bendrigg, Rosedale and Paxwold and the various trips out that our students have enjoyed. All these activities rely on the dedication and good will of our staff team and I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking them all.
Christmas at Kings Mill starts with our Christmas Fayre which this year raised nearly £2000, thank you to Jayne and the Friends of Kings Mill who worked so hard to organise and run this event. We then had a delightful performance by our lower school who performed a lovely Nativity.  This week has been full on Christmas with our Christmas dinner, Christmas performance, Santa visit and finally carols around the tree and it has been lovely to see so many parents and friends joining us for events.
There have been so many magical moments this week and I cannot possibly list them all. However, I have to mention my personal highlights, Lexlie and Linda our fantastic cooks from School and Residence did us proud by providing dinner for over 200 pupils, members of staff and governors. The atmosphere in the hall was lovely with everyone eating together and sharing this special time. The Christmas performance at the church involved all our pupils and included pupils performing who previously would never have got up in front of an audience and of course Friday will see us singing carols around the tree to bring our Christmas celebrations to an end.
Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this term and to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
Gail Lawton